A Photo of the Sigmate Interface, white ASCII art and a command line prompt. The interface has technobabble and in large stylised lettering, 'Sigmate r zero point two. A Sigmata Companion.'

Sigmate, a game companion for a roleplaying game that doesn't exist yet.

The "I told you that to tell you this:"

Sigmata is a game being developed by Chad Walker et al. after a successful kickstarter. It is antifascism. It is modempunk. It is right up my alley.

While I sat on my hands waiting for the game to be finished and released (hopefully in late July 2018) I took what tidbits of lore and game mechanics were made publically available and made a Game Companion for them.

Sigmate can be queried for information on canon organizations and individuals, it will natively track a groups reputation with each of the important factions, and it can be set to track the state of The Signal (a mechanic unique to Sigmata.)

It is as complete as it possibly can be before the game's official launch (Edit:June 27, 2018) Now that the Official Soundtrack has been released, parts of the queries need to be updated, and it is available on my GitHub.

When the game launches I will gleefully go back, implement all the missing features, and polish what will undoubtedly look awful to me then. Ideally, immediately after that happens and I have a "complete" game companion, I will port it over to Android and distribute it with the hopes someone other than me wanted such a thing.